Loan Tycoon SA

LoanTycoonSA is a South African based broker service which helps South African residents find personal loans of up to R150 000. As a specialist LoanTycoonSA has access to many lenders across SA and as such can help find any type of loan for any type of purpose or financial situation.
We also arrange loans for people who have been blacklisted and have defaults and judgements. We offer you exactly the same loan you would get if you went directly to a lender, only we go to them for you! There are no hidden costs involved, it’s simple easy and fast so get started from the comfort of your own home

Same day Cash Loans Online

If you’re 18 years and older, have a South African citizen, have a regular monthly income of R1500.00 or more, then you can apply to LoanTycoonSA .

Please note that if you are under administration or in any kind of debt restructuring program you cannot apply.

Apply now by completing the application below ? It shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes.

Once your application is complete we will contact you within an hour to notify you of the outcome of your application
(Please note that all fields marked with (*) needs to be completed. The information you submit will be used solely for the purposes for our services)

Compliant with the Consumer Protection Act No.68 of 2008

Contact Us
Tel: 021 801 1251
Fax: 086 232 7973

Phsyical Address
Zonnekus Road
Morning Star

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